Herd Group Global
How to choose an agency to transform your website

How to choose an agency to transform your website

Your business needs

Identifying the strategic needs of your website will help you better identify the right agency for you. Having a clear picture of what your new website needs to achieve will make sure you ask the right question when meeting with the team.

The agency’s specialisms

Does the agency provide the services you are looking for? Do you require a technical team to build a sophisticated ecommerce engine or a creative team to breathe new life into your digital brand?

Fortunately, at the Herd Group, we can fulfil both these needs.

How well the agency understands your business

Ensuring that the agency understands your business and industry means your goals and challenges will both be understood and achievable. The team delivering your website should be immersed in your business. If an agency is not interested in partnering with your company in this way, it’s probably best to take your business elsewhere.

Case studies and testimonials

Case studies will showcase the agency’s past work and provide a good indication of the agency’s skill set. If you are choosing between a number of agencies, reviewing their case studies is a great way to help decide. These show concrete results and demonstrate how the agency met the client’s goals.

The agency’s website 

What better way to see if the agency has what you are looking for by investigating their website. If the website looks outdated or is hard to use then this could be a red flag. Good web developers should be able to build a website that’s easy to navigate and looks good. 

Looking for an agency to transform your website?

At Herd Group Global, we have a team of accomplished brand and digital specialists. Through our three step process, we’ve created a strategic approach that maximises value for our clients.

  • Imagine – we use creativity, research and customer insight to define or redefine your brand and digital experience across every touch point. 
  • Shape – we increase the value of your business by designing and building exceptional brand and digital experiences through knowledge, innovation and technology.
  • Perform – we continually evolve your brand communications and digital assets by delivering measurable improvements, helping you achieve your vision.

If you’d like help transforming your business, let’s talk.