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Leveraging AI to aid your digital marketing needs

Leveraging AI to aid your digital marketing needs

What is AI

AI (Artificial Intelligence), which refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and natural language processing.

The use of AI is rapidly growing, which means we should learn how we can use this to aid our processes.

Key benefits of using AI for business

Businesses can benefit from using Artificial Intelligence chatbots in several ways to help their digital transformation. One example is the use of chatbots to automate tasks such as customer service, support, and order processing and improving the efficiency of your business. Chatbots can also provide personalised experiences by gathering customers’ preferences and offering recommendations as well as offers.

Leveraging AI as an aid

It’s important that you view AI as an aid and not as an employee. By this we mean that AI is not always correct. Also seen as the public having access to this tool it could be likely that you could generate the same copy as another, which could negatively affect your SEO as duplicate content is not ideal. So, if you are using these artificial intelligence chatbots remember to edit them and to add your own opinion to help establish leadership within your industry.

To get the most out of AI chatbots try the following:

  • Be specific – Make sure to include specific instructions for what you want the chatbot to do
  • Use natural language – Use complete sentences to help the tool better understand
  • Provide context – Give as much context as possible on the task you want the tool to perform
  • Use examples – Including examples of what you want the tool to do will help to understand what you want it to do
  • Refine – Experiment with the prompts and language you are using until you get the desired outcome

Real examples

Google has recently launched early access to its Artificial Intelligence chatbot, called Google Bard. Bard can produce high-quality human-like text in response to various questions and prompts. The chatbot is still classed as an experiment and is trained on an extensive dataset of text and code, that can access and process information from the real world through Google Search. This makes Bard capable of providing more comprehensive and informative answers than other chatbots.

Another Artificial Intelligence chatbot that has gained popularity in recent months is ChatGPT. Like Bard, ChatGPT is also trained on a vast dataset of text and code and can produce human-like text. However, ChatGPT doesn’t have access to the same level of information from the real world. As a result, Bard is better suited for tasks that require more comprehensive and informative answers, such as education, research, and customer service, while ChatGPT is better suited for tasks that require prompts to give emotion to your content, develop strategies and for planning out tasks.

What are the limits

Although these chatbots are effective in boosting productivity and overcoming creative blocks, you should not completely depend on them just yet. The emergence of Turnitin’s generative AI detector, which can identify 97% of AI-generated text, raises concerns about potential negative impacts on SEO when using AI chatbots. This technology is currently being used by educators to detect AI-created work.

With this being said, the use or Artificial Intelligence is continuously developing meaning the uses for AI could become far more substantial than they already are.