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Is Your Website Fit For Purpose?

Is Your Website Fit For Purpose?

What does an outdated website look like?

An outdated website may have fonts that are too small to read, have poorly contrasting coloured fonts to the background, is unresponsive, and isn’t optimised for mobile.

Your site isn’t easy to manage

If your website doesn’t easily makes content changes and performance analysis then this could mean that your website is difficult to manage. A good web developer should make it so that all this comes with ease when creating your website. Having a content management system in place could help if you are having issues with the back-end of your site.

You receive customer complaints

An increase in complaints from frustrated online customers is a sure sign that your website is due a refresh. A slow, glitchy or poorly designed website will result in loss of traffic and sales. It’s vital that customers find the process of navigating your website as stress free as possible as this is what leads to great customer reputation and ultimately increased revenue.

Your website is slow

Slow websites can quickly cause customers to become frustrated. As well as making your customers happy, fast page speeds can also improve your SEO score, leading to better search engine rankings.There are many reasons your site may have a slow speed, read our blog on how to improve your page speed. You can also use a tool such as Google PageSpeed Insights to check check an individual page’s speed.

Your website traffic or conversions have dropped

Analytics can tell you a lot about what your users think about your site. It can also help you understand what you need to do to improve your site. If your conversion rate and average time on page is really low or the bounce rate is really high, it might suggest your content is’t appealing to customers or the site is slow.

Your site isn’t optimised for mobile devices

It is becoming more common for web users to use their mobile devices. With the constant growth in popularity, it is essential that you ensure your site is optimised for mobile devices. Potential customers will leave a non-mobile friendly site pretty quickly, resulting in an increased bounce rate and lost revenue.

One way to check if your site is mobile friendly is by carrying out responsive testing. This allows you to see how your site would look and perform on different devices such as Iphones, Ipads, Samsung etc.

Building your website to be mobile optimised first will create a better user experience. This will also force restrictions and for essential features to be focused on.

If you think your website is due a refresh, get in touch today for a chat to see how Herd Group could help.